Essay # 1. Introduction to World Population: Human and economic geography are concerned with Man and his use of natural resources. The way in which land, sea, minerals, forests, and water supplies are used varies very much around the world, chiefly because of the wide variation of human numbers, human types and the stage of development of different human groups In the world’s population estimate was billion people, nearly doubling the population just years earlier (Raleigh, ). Get Help With Your Essay If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Essay Sample on Population in the World Download. Samples The world is a very big place with a population of 6,,, people that is always growing. The world and its important resources are being destroyed by populations growing in such small areas. Many of these small areas have many problems of their own because of overpopulation, such as hunger and many poor people. China is the
Long and Short Essay on Population in English for Children and Students
Human and economic geography world population essay concerned with Man and his use of natural resources. The way in which land, world population essay, sea, minerals, forests, and water supplies are used varies very much around the world, chiefly because of the wide variation of human numbers, human types and the stage of development of different human groups.
The rapid growth of population is perhaps the most obvious factor affecting present and future national and regional development, but it is by no world population essay the only population problem in the world today, world population essay. Uneven distribution of population and conflicts stemming from racial, world population essay, religious, world population essay, social or political diversity are problems in almost every country in the world.
In the total world population was estimated at 4, million and by the end of the twentieth century it will have reached about 7, million. It is seen that world population is increasing ever more rapidly.
This is because it increases in geometrical fashion i. Moreover the rate of growth in the last two centuries has been accelerated by the great advances in medicine, hygiene, and nutrition made all over the world. Death rates and particularly infant mortality rates have been drastically reduced so that more children world population essay up and themselves have families.
But enormous as the world population is, mere numbers do not present a problem if all the people in an area can be adequately fed, clothed, housed, educated and employed. But this cannot always be done and this is why population growth creates problems. World population essay of the main difficulties arise because people are not distributed evenly over the earth and because the age and sex structure of populations varies widely from country to country.
Only in terms of these factors can we discuss whether a country is under- or over- populated. Essay 2, world population essay. The African continent also accounts for a quarter of the land surface but has just over one-tenth of the world population.
The distribution within the continents is also uneven. In Asia, China alone, with ab out million people, accounts for half the Asian and a quarter of the world population. The Indian subcontinent has a further million people. In Europe too, the population is unevenly distributed. Far more people live in northern and western European countries than in southern and Eastern Europe.
The U. is the largest country in the world and has million people but only a quarter of them live in the Asian section.
In Africa and the Americas people are for the most part spread very thinly across the land, leaving large sections such as northern Canada, south-western U. The distribution of population depends to a large extent on the quality of the land itself, which is very uneven. Where the land is well suited to agriculture or there are natural resources for industrial development the population will naturally be larger than in areas where climatic conditions are hostile or where resources are few.
Thus population density, that is the number of people living in a unit area, varies widely. In Singapore there are nearly 4, people to the square kilometre ppsk or 10, people to the square mile ppsm ; in Belgium there are ; in Brazil only 13 34 and in Mongolia less than 1 ppsk or 2 ppsm, though even within these countries the population is far from evenly spread. A map of world population densities shows that while the great majority of the land surface is sparsely or moderately populated between 0 and 50 ppsk or between 0 and ppsm some limited areas are very densely populated.
These areas are Western Europe, the Indian subcontinent, the plains and river valleys of China, and north-eastern U. Smaller concentrations of people are found in the Nile Valley of Egypt, the island of Java in Indonesia and the southern part of Japan. The factors which lead to high population densities are often complex, but those which restrict population are clear-cut.
Essay 3, world population essay. The broad features of world population distribution are clearly related to climatic, soil, and other physical factors. This is because such factors regulate the type and amount of crops which can be grown, determining both negative and positive areas for economic development.
But physical factors are not the only ones which affect population distribution. In most parts of the world the basic pattern of population due to physical factors has detailed variations imposed upon it as a result of social, ethnic, cultural or historical factors.
Some of the most important of such factors are the concentration of racial or linguistic groups in limited areas; the dominance of particular religions in certain areas which may in turn affect birth rates or economic development; the way of life of particular population groups which may mean for instance that a large area of land is required to support a relatively small number of people; the history of settlement, which for instance has led to the dominance of the eastern seaboard in North America; and the history of colonization, which has led to the development of some tropical areas, especially those nearest the coast.
Moreover modern developments such as rural resettlement, the introduction of new farming techniques, industrialization, the drift to the towns, and changes in the standard of living, are all leading world population essay changes in the population patterns of many countries. It is not possible in this book to cover the population pattern of the whole world in detail, world population essay, but by dealing with some countries as examples the comparative roles of basic physical features, economic and social factors can be better understood.
China has the largest population of any country in the world but its average population density is only about 75 ppsk ppsm. Compared with countries such as the Netherlands average density ppsk: 1, ppsm or Japan ppsk: ppsmChina does not appear particularly densely peopled. The most densely settled region is in the east, while the western half of the country is still under-populated, world population essay.
Moderately populated districts are found on the fringes of the densely settled regions, world population essay. The physical background to this pattern is fairly clear: the eastern plains and river valleys, including the North China Plain, the Chang Jiang Yangtze basin, world population essay, the Sichuan Szechwan basin and the Xi Jiang Si Kiang basin, offer ideal conditions for agriculture, with adequate monsoon rainfall, good soils, flat land and water for irrigation from the large rivers.
As a result rural population densities are sometimes as large as 1, ppsk 2, ppsm. During the long history of settlement in eastern China only the inherent richness of the land has enabled the population to expand to such proportions. The long tradition of dense settlement has led to the development of many towns and cities which must originally have served as markets and administrative centres, but have now become industrial centres. The existence of sixteen or more cities with over a million inhabitants helps to raise population densities in the eastern region; but in terms of the total population urbanization is not very important, for only about one-sixth of the population lives in towns.
In the surrounding uplands and foothills the poorer agricultural opportunities, poorer accessibility and difficulties of irrigating the steep slopes have led to more moderate population densities. Moderate densities are also found in the more favoured areas of the generally negative western provinces.
In the interior provinces of Xinjiang SinkiangGansu KansuQinghai TsinghaiTibet and Inner Mongolia, where densities are generally less than 1 ppsk 3 ppsmphysical factors such as a cold continental climate, aridity, high altitude and inaccessibility have militated against intensive agriculture.
The best form of land use is some form of herding. This extensive type of agriculture is practiced by the Tibetans, Uighurs, Kazaks, Mongols and Kirghiz who inhabit the area but does not support large numbers of people.
The region is, however, capable of greater development than has hitherto taken place. The contrasts between China proper and the interior are not all due to physical factors however, world population essay.
The sparse population of the interior is partly the result of the traditional way of life of the herders, for in recent years the growing of crops and the exploitation of mineral world population essay has led world population essay an increase in population density, world population essay.
In the more densely peopled regions, too, social factors have helped to create overpopulation. People could have moved westwards into the empty areas and relieved pressure on the lowlands, but partly because the people of China proper are of true Chinese or Han race while the outer territories are peopled by other ethnic groups, and partly because the unfamiliar conditions would have meant the evolution of new forms of agriculture, this world population essay not taken place on a large scale.
Recently, however, planned colonization of the interior has been encouraged by the communist government. Pressure on land in China proper would also have been less, had industrial development taken place earlier, causing many people to migrate to the towns, world population essay.
To some extent this occurred in the s and early s when emphasis was placed on industrial development. The present population distribution pattern of China is the result of a combination of physical, social, historical and economic factors.
Present changes are due to the breaking down of traditional attitudes and the rational planning of economic development but it remains to be seen whether this will significantly alter the long-established pattern. Canada also has marked disparities in its population distribution pattern. Over 90 per cent of its 23 million people live in a narrow belt not more than km miles wide, world population essay, immediately north of the U.
border, leaving the vast Northlands practically uninhabited. Even within the settled belt there are marked differences in population densities for the western coast, the Prairies and the Maritime Provinces are only moderately peopled while the St. Lawrence lowlands are more densely peopled. The small total population of the country means, however, that nowhere are there the extremely high densities found in China.
The main basis of this pattern is the physical background. The cold climate, world population essay, permafrost, short growing season, rocky terrain and poor soils of the Northlands means that except in certain favoured areas, agriculture is not possible. The Northlands do have some physical advantages, such as rich mineral resources, coniferous forests and swift-flowing rivers world population essay the generation of H.
The only permanent inhabitants of the region are Eskimos and certain Indian tribes, who have adapted their way of life to the harsh conditions and have traditionally, depended on hunting and fishing, neither of which supports a dense population. The Northlands are not the only negative area as far as settlement is concerned; the Rocky Mountain ranges are also sparsely peopled.
The climate in the mountains is severe, the slopes are steep and rocky and accessibility is limited by the terrain. Only limited coastal areas and valleys are suitable for settlement and these support only a moderate population. The Prairies have a moderately dense population because the main activity is agriculture.
Extensive, highly mechanized farming does not offer employment opportunities to more than a moderate number of people. The most densely settled parts of the Prairie provinces are those where mineral resources oil and phosphates offer some possibilities of industrial development, or where more intensive agriculture is possible as in the Red River Valley.
The cool, foggy, damp climate of the Maritime Provinces, world population essay, the hilly terrain and the limited agricultural lands are only suited to a moderate population density, but the better conditions of the St. Lawrence lowlands lead to a denser settlement. The possibilities of more world population essay agricultural development, good water communications, world population essay, and land of moderate relief are the main physical advantages of the region.
World population essay from central services, and fear of loneliness play some part in keeping the Northlands empty. Similarly the distance of the Prairies from contacts with the rest of the world, limits the willingness of people to live there as well as hampering industrial growth for lack of markets. The eastern seaboard was the first area settled by European immigrants.
As the longest-settled part of the country it has the best social and cultural amenities. Its nearness to Europe allows traditional links with World population essay and France to be maintained as well as promoting trade and industry.
Another reason for the concentration of settlement in the south-east of the country is the proximity of the U.
This has encouraged investment and therefore industrial development and has led to a greater density of population, especially in and around the industrial centres of Toronto, Kingston, Montreal and Quebec. The Maritimes have not had the same advantage for they adjoin the northern New England states which themselves suffer from inaccessibility. Social factors also play an important role. The population of Canada is descended mainly from immigrants; about half from British and a third from French stock.
Descendants of immigrants of other nationalities are far fewer world population essay number. While the English-speaking Canadians are found throughout the country, the French are concentrated in Quebec and eastern Ontario.
This is mainly because they feel most at home in a French environment, where French is spoken, French language papers and French food are available. Because of this concentration, and the fact that most of the French Canadians are Catholics, the birth rate is high and this leads to a denser population. For these various reasons, therefore, the provinces of Quebec and Ontario have about two-thirds of the Canadian population.
It is not only large countries with a wide range of physical and climatic regions which have a marked disparity in population distribution. Peninsular Malaysia has far greater densities of population on its western coastlands than in other parts of world population essay country, world population essay.
World Population Day Essay-- For Students--2020
, time: 5:39Essay on World Population: Top 10 Essays | Human Geography

In this essay on world population day, we saw the reason and motivation behind such an annual event. Let us now learn about its significance. The most obvious objective behind the world population day is to educate the whole population about the consequences of rampant population growth. It is necessary that people understand the effect it can have on the environment and the development of our · Population Essay 1 ( words) The world population is increasing at a very fast pace. The last five to six decades have especially seen a tremendous growth in the human population. There are several reasons for the same. One of the main reasons for this is the development in the field of medical science that has brought down the death rate. Another reason is the growing birth rate Essay on the Problem of Population Growth! The population is currently growing at the rate of 76 million people per year. This rate is equivalent to adding to the world every year according to the latest survey reports the population growth is occurred as medium projection predicts that population will pass the 7 billion mark in , trillion marks in , and the 9 billion mark in 21 will