The Great Debaters, set in the ’s, happens at a time when America is starting to change for both whites and African Americans. This movie shows the journey four people take as they face the adversity of being African Americans in America. Three students, under the guidance of Professor Tolson, from a small college in Texas join the debate team, where they challenge and defeat both African American · Download. Essay, Pages 3 ( words) Views. This was my second time watching the movie called “The Great debaters,” but it seemed like it was my first time since the emotional scenes and the profound aspect of the movie left me amazed and inspired once more. All the characters in the movie had their own moment to shine which makes the movie even greater and while watching, you · Stephanie Geno Great Debaters Essay 6 March The Great Debaters Based on a true story, the movie The Great Debaters is about a four person debate team at the historically Black, Wiley College in Marshall, TX. This team made up of one girl, Samantha Booke, and three young men, James Farmer Jr., Henry Lowe, and Hamilton Burgess
The Great Debaters Free Essay Sample
All the characters in the movie had their own moment to shine which makes the movie even greater and while watching, you always wonder what is coming next.
The character I identify with the most is Melvin Tolson, the teacher who assembled his debate team members tactfully and thoroughly. It is certainly not because the character is played by a tremendous actor, the two-time academy award winner, Denzel Washington; it is because Tolson, the character played by Washington, not only recruited these talented young speakers, but he found ways to inspire and energized them to greatness, the great debaters essay, even to what appears to be impossible to achieve.
I believe that is what teaching should be about. Furthermore, the focus of this character on education as an important tool for freedom cannot let you without thinking that school has the great debaters essay be more than the great debaters essay classes or grading, but a powerful weapon in the hands of whoever possesses it. The second character that attracted my admiration as a speaker in the movie is Samantha Booke. As blacks were being mistreated and persecuted just for being black, this reality was even worse for black women in Texas.
But this fact did not stop Samantha to believe in herself and her ability to be part this debate team. She will be the first woman to be in the Wiley college debate team and when given the chance to debate, she is not shy, but demonstrated a lot of emotions in her speeches, bravery, confidence, and passion. As I said in my first paragraph, I believe every character in the movie has their moment to show their talents as a speaker, the great debaters essay.
Henry Lowe, played by Nate Parker, performed gracefully in his first debate against. He is very persuasive in his speech, confident, well-prepared, and knowledgeable. He also has a great voice tone. He shows a great deal of energy in his speeches, and that energy and confidence are what I think I would like to possess as a speaker.
The only character I think at first showed some lacks is James Farmer, Jr. although he is the one who will help them win at the end, but at the beginning of his presentations he showed a lack of bravery and confidence, the great debaters essay. He is very talented and knowledgeable as a speaker, except that, at first, his lack of experience in public speaking will cause the team to lose.
I understand that being brave has nothing to do with being capable or talented, the great debaters essay, but it is the courage to do what you have to do despite the fear and the lack of talents.
I believe I possess this quality as a speaker which allows me to overcome my fear of public speaking every time I stand up to speak. The movie is very inspiring and emotionally moving, besides all of these, what stroked me the most about the debate team is their willingness to research and to prepare themselves before their performance. I believe nothing can replace preparation. I have experienced the lack of it in some of my own presentations and paid the price for it.
In the movie, I think they had James Farmer Jr. A speaker needs to have his fact straight, and the Wiley college debate team knew that and did just that. Although I actually was! The movie inspired me to do my best to be a better speaker, to take time to research my topics and prepare myself before my presentation. The movie taught me the importance of words and that you can win over darkness or anything with the power of your words.
I particularly liked the scene where James Famer, Sr. convinced Sheriff Dozier to release Tolson. Movie "The Great Debaters". Accessed May 31, Movie "The Great Debaters" Categories: Movie. Download paper. Essay, Pages 3 words. Turn in your highest-quality paper Get a qualified writer to help you with.
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The Great Debaters Explained
, time: 2:08Movie "The Great Debaters" Free Essay Example

The Great Debaters, set in the ’s, happens at a time when America is starting to change for both whites and African Americans. This movie shows the journey four people take as they face the adversity of being African Americans in America. Three students, under the guidance of Professor Tolson, from a small college in Texas join the debate team, where they challenge and defeat both African American The Great Debaters Essay Example Also putting spins on definitions of words such as the word law in which the Wiley debaters had a different view of the word law based on their experience whilst the Harvard debaters had their own view but each argued their view with different example such as Wiley using Gandhi and his civil disobedience or the Harvard debaters using a personal blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min The Great Debaters Essay. Words5 Pages. Casey Green 1 09/13/11 SPC Section 14 The Great Debaters This film focuses on being a confident and decisive person in life, through passionate and informed topics. Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.¹ After watching this film it
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