Films under the genre of gangster and war featured violence as the central theme of the film. The featuring of violence in these movies had to be accounted and was justified rationally. During the world war 11, Hollywood and the OWI made films were in American involvement in that war was justified and every concept or task undertaken by them in the film was made justifiable In the article Adolescents who watch violent films get poorer grades in the classroom written by Richard Gray Science Correspondent for blogger.com, Dr. James Sargent, a pediatrician at Dartmouth Medical Center and the scientist who led an investigation concerning effects of violent movies on children, says: “These are young adolescents who really should not be watching this type of adult · In this article it shows that violence in films gives people an idea to mimic and do it in reality. For example a guy named James Holmes had mimicked the Joker and killed 12 people at a screening of a batman film. “Showing violence in movies will just make more violence
Violence In Films Example | Graduateway
The last few years have seen an increase in violence in movies. Action movies seem to get more 'exciting' than the previous movies each year and therefore, more violence is shown.
Many people complain that violence is influencing our country and it's youths which causes many youths to fascinate about violence, eventually experience the fascination of violence for themselves and go crazy - go violence in films essay a killing spree or something similar. Violence in movies do in some way affect youths and people in society. It affects people's views of themselves, other people, the world and people's thoughts on certain things. Beliefs or values and attitudes may be affected by violence in movies.
For example, violence in films essay, if a certain person is a racist and believes white people are superior to black people, they may watch a movie which displays racial discriminationsuch as 'American History X', and after viewing violent action against blacks, the person may decide to take action and go out and kill black people.
It is believed that whatever is seen at the movies, children will praise certain shows and characters featured and try to be like them. They look up to their hero and want to do everything that person does.
In an action packed movie, the hero or the 'good guy' is loved by children and they may try to copy their actions, thus leading to violence, violence in films essay. So it is believed that violence in movies will increase physical aggressiveness among children and violent criminal behavior. One method by which violent movies may promote criminal violence is simple imitation. Hire a subject expert to help you with The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society.
This is only an urge, but may still result in the action of violence taking place. Children do imitate the behavior of models such as those portrayed in movies and other things such as television. This can be seen with the advent of violence in films essay Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Young children cannot seem to get enough of these fictional characters and will portray them often. But it is Not only can violence in movies inspire children to take action, but can also inspire and empower potential criminals.
Of course, not everyone who watches a Rambo or Terminator movie becomes a criminal. The harm of violent television is felt most by the already vulnerable violence in films essay of the population, violence in films essay.
Alfred Blumstein, dean of John Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie-Mellon, notes that "the glorification of violence on television has little effect on most folks, but it has a powerful effect on kids who are poorly socialized It dehumanizes them and becomes a self-fulfilling process.
Perhaps all sides of the movies and violence debate can agree that reducing movie violence should be considered as efforts to change the conditions that make the children so vulnerable and dangerous in the first place. Maybe ratings of movies should be taken more seriously and be more strict so that children cannot view violence which would pollute their minds with violence and criminal behavior. In the questionnaire, the majority said that the movie 'The Matrix' entertained them.
This may show that some people like to watch movies with violence - no matter how it is rated - purely for entertainment and that it would not effect their attitudes towards violence in a negative way. These days, violence in movies are seen to be very realistic. The fighting, the pain, the blood and guts are made to look real. These are all done through the use of computers and digital editing. So the violence in movies may seem real, but in fact it is all fake and have just been performed by the click of a mouse.
The question is, why do filmmakers show violence as their main subject in movies and why do they want the violence to seem real? There are many reasons to this. One could be to impress audience, another could be the demand for more action films, or another could be that action movies seem to be more popular nowadays.
But the main reason would be to make the movie full of excitement which would most probably make the movie become huge and popular, which would then result in a lot of money for the filmmaker, violence in films essay. This is not right and portrays filmmakers as selfish people only looking for money, as they do not stop to think that the violence could pollute children's minds.
Filmmakers could say this could be prevented by making the ratings high, but that certainly violence in films essay not stop children from watching the movie. They may be taken in to watch it with someone older for supervision, or simply view it on video once it is released. Fixing the problems of children and movie violence is not easy.
There are many factors that have violence in films essay be considered and people to be convinced. This problem will, no doubt, never go away and continue to get worse as the years go by. However, there are measures that can be taken to prevent the children from ever being exposed to such things.
After all, what is the world going to be like when the people who are now children are running the world? The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, violence in films essay, Jun 18, Accessed May 31, comJun Whether or not exposure to media violence in films essay causes increased levels of aggression and violence in young people is the perennial question of media effects research.
Some experts, like University of. In an attempt. Title: -The Impact of watchingTelevision for Children The Case of Children watching Television in Ethiopia Chapter One 1. Introduction 1. Introduction The subject of violence is often associated with an attack on someone whom we as people in a society either deems deserving or undeserving, but the outcome makes an impact.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Law Crime Violence The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society. Related Essays The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society.
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, time: 58:30The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society - blogger.com

In the article Adolescents who watch violent films get poorer grades in the classroom written by Richard Gray Science Correspondent for blogger.com, Dr. James Sargent, a pediatrician at Dartmouth Medical Center and the scientist who led an investigation concerning effects of violent movies on children, says: “These are young adolescents who really should not be watching this type of adult · In some films, violence has been used to portray who we are. The film “Natural Born Killers” is a basically a commentary on how, as a society, we condemn violence while hypocritically glorify it in the media. Mickey and Mallory are evil, but are also blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Vis-à-vis the content of the films story, the essay will mention how, on a thematic level, these films each rely heavily on the use of violence to delineate its message and intentions. James Kendrick states that the use of violence in a film is employed as a structuring device and it is evident that each of these films uses violence for differing intentions, of which the essay will later make discernible
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